
Wednesday, December 10, 2003

i didn't like today at all. when i woke up, my body was aching, my joints were sore, and i was running a fever. and i still HAD to go to school that day because we were reviewing for our last test and our final. i had to register for my classes today. BUT. i only got in 2 of my 5 classes. the other 3 were full already. so i picked another time for one and got waitlisted on the other. the last class had no waiting list. so i'm 3 units short of my 16 unit goal. i REALLY hope i get into my calc class (the one im being waitlisted for) and i hope i can find some other class to get me up to 16 units.

at school, i dragged my aching body from place to place. i made jonathan late because of the stupid dilemma i have with my schedule. i felt cold and ugly. i felt like there was hot steam coming out of my mouth. my neck was sore, my throat was sore, and my head throbbed. it was quite a pityful sight. i drove home in silence, placing my body on auto-pilot once again. then mom said to go to her work. so i did, hoping she had a doctor lined up to see me.. or at least called my doctor to set an appointment time. well she did call the doctor, she gave me medicine, and she gave me soup. but in the end she asked me to run an errand. OK... i'm SICK!! y are u even asking me?!?! i know you know how it is to be sick, so y don't u think of how i feel for once?

then i came home tried to fix my schedule cuz i really need to get the classes i want to sign up for or else its just going to push back my graduation date. *sigh*


but one thing made it better.. i got a good luck card from my secret santa. THANKS! that was the only time i felt loved that day. =)

Tuesday, December 09, 2003

one year ago i said...
"i went to Chuck e cheese today! fun fun fun!.. except for the fact that food got stuck in the holes in my mouth.. but it's ALL good.. =) umm.. as for my last entry.. i have no clue what i was saying.. i guess i was just hurt.. dissappointed.. ummm.. unrewarded.. misused?? yeah i guess those are the words.. probably neglected too.. but eh.. life goes on. Can't do anything about it cuz hey.. shit happens right? but yeah... Trinity always cheer me up! =) She was a little grumpy when we got there but after we gave her pizza she was fine.. and she was flirting with boys! *gasp* she kept on staring @ these 2 boys that weren't even cute! they looked like after 10 years old n she was watching them play with spinning tops.. but she was like looking at me and smiling then looking back.. and i was like.. "oh no you don't!"so hilarious.. it one of those you just had to be there kind of things. Then she started flirting with Solar! haha that was funny.. she wanted to go to me just so i can give her to Solar.. quite funny! then Jen told me that after i left Trinity kept on looking at Solar and Marlon. HAHAH!! how cute! i swear i didn't teach her how to flirt! she's a natural! haha maybe i should see Trinity more often.. she knows how to put me in a happy mood.. ALWAYS.. =) not that i have friends that do.. it's just that kids had always gave me that sense of love that you can't get anywhere else.. it's like.. they WANT you there and not want you there out of pity. but yeah.. it's always fun.. when i grow up i want kids.. but i have to have them when i'm btwn. 24 and 30.. cuz having a baby after 30 comes with a lot of tests and needles and.. yucky stuff.. everyone tells me i'd be a great mom.. i just hope i am.. and i hope i don't go thru postpartum depression.. that's some scary stuff..

ok.. that was going WAY off topic.. hehe but yeah. that's how emi's world goes..

i watched Treasure Planet with Kyle .. no Trinity. =( it was too late for her to be up.. and i got a fighting fish! hehe my mom thought they looked cool so she bought one.. =) and i finally cleaned out my room! i'm FINALLY gonna get rid of the furniture this week! woo hoo! then i'm gonna haveta sleep on the floor for like a couple weeks. haha. oh well.. "

heh. funny how my thoughts haven't changed that much from yester year. i still believe that kids have this natural "blues buster" energy that puts a smile to a face. i still have those unmentionable feelings of being misused, unappreciated, unrewarded, and whatnot.. but i'd rather not get into that. i still believe that the proper age for a girl to have kids is btwn. 24 and 30, and it's scary to think that 24 isn't that far away. i guess that 7 year plan my mom always kid about is what i subconciously had in mind if i wanted a kid at the age of 24. blargh.. her plan just held off the kid until i'm 25. waaaaaaaaaaahh i'm getting old!

as for today, i went to school with a slight fever. not only did i feel groggy and under the weather, but i felt like i wasn't even attached to my body. at moments i had to force a smile on my face to just get myself through the day. but all i wanted was to curl up in bed and SLEEP. driving home was a blur to me. i don't know how i got from point A to point B. all i remember was stopping by Mark's house to pick up the Knotts ticket, driving around his neighborhood ane making random turns everywhere. then i found myself on a familiar street, and some how set my mind on auto-pilot all the way home. i got home, took my temperature again, took some medicine, and knocked out under two thick blankets. i feel like sleeping now.. and i should.. but i still have math hw. damnit. and i still have the feverish feeling.. the aching body, the chills, the fatigueness, and the urge to crawl into bed...

Sunday, December 07, 2003

it's great to have a cousin like you ;) today, out of the blue, my cousin whom i call "Kuya Che-Chel" from the Philippines called and said he'd be stopping over @ LAX before he goes to work in Texas. i thought it would be one of those i can only see you for 30 minutes deal... luckily he got to stay for a while. ;) seriously, i've always wanted my cousins from the philippines to come over to the states. every since i was a little kid, i've always wanted that. i hoped that on christmas day, my cousins would be able to see me in my natural surroundings. but it never did happen because of stupid financial business. my uncles would come over, we'd see them.. but i wanted to see my cousins. and today was just that day. i felt like a little kid waking up christmas morning running towards her presents. i don't know if i contained myself well enough, but i couldn't wait to get out of the mall, let alone the movie theater, to see my cousin. the movie was good and i enjoyed it. but at the same time, i wanted to just fly out the doors and go straight home to see my cousin. i was also excited because for the first time in my life, my cousin, someone whom i have grown up with in the philippines, was able to come over and not only meet again after 5 years, but to also meet my boyfriend and my lifestyle in the states. my aunt met him, but it's not the same. it's my COUSIN... My eldest cousin who took care of me when i was a baby/toddler when i was in the philippines. the cousin who said i was too ugly to have a boyfriend (we have what they call "tough love".. teasing and what not).. i just enjoy his presence so much because it's rare that we see each other. *sigh* i wish he'd stay longer. he taught me how to punch and pinch and all that.. just because he'd tease me that much and that's the only way i got them to shut up about the "fat" jokes and the "mosquito bites" jokes. i really wish my cousins would live here. we'd have so much fun together. bringing havoc to cerritos and whatnot. ;) man.. i was unbelievably excited tho. when i saw him i just had this HUGE smile on my face. and i greet him with a continuous punches to his side because he greeted me with "wow. you got fat." heh. thanks for being such an awesome cousin! ;)
yeah.. so the movie solar and i watched was the last samurai.it's pretty good! i reccommend u to go and see it. i didn't get to go christmas shopping today. before all the excitement, i cleaned the house, went to sam's club for groceries, home, then mall.
welp.. my christmas wish came true. i don't need anything else for christmas. i got to see my cousin here in the USA.. not the philippines.. around the christmas season and that's all i've wanted ever since i was a little girl.... oh wait... there is ONE thing i want this christmas.. i want my yearbook back solar! with something written in it! >:o other than that.. nothing else. unless you're willing to pull some strings at the US embassy in Manila, Philippines, get my cousins passports and buy them plane tickets to LAX. then i'd love you FOREVER. ;)

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